Getting Closer (:

As of today, all of my friends have left for college! It was surreal to say goodbyes this past week, and I still can’t wrap my head around the idea that I won’t see these people for months… HOWEVER, I am so so so excited for the new places they’re going and all that they’ll be learning! And of course I’m excited for my own adventure! I will definitely miss everyone, but I know we’ll all pick up where we left off as if we had never been apart.

I have had an unbelievable summer filled with friends and family and lots of RELAXING! I am just entirely enjoying this time of life. Now that everyone’s off to start new chapters, I’m feeling a little more ready to start mine. I have this coming week alone with my mom, two days with the whole family, and then I’m off!

Thank you all so much for the encouragement and support and interest in what I’m doing. It means so much to get on this website and see how many views it already has!

just trying to figure out how to post pictures!

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